Category - Free Speech News

European Parliament Censors Its Own Free Speech
5 Federal Politicians Who Broke the Law
The Complete Guide to President Trump’s Executive Actions
Germany Combats Fake News with “Center of Defense Against Disinformation”
China Extends the “Great Firewall”
DeLorenzo’s Pizza Offers “Trumped Up” Discount
Here’s What Sen. Elizabeth Warren Forgot to Tell CEO John Stumpf
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Theodore Roosevelt on Free Speech
Is This the Birth of American Censorship?

European Parliament Censors Its Own Free Speech

The legislative arm of the European Union, the European Parliament, has passed a new procedural rule that will censor its own Free Speech. The law allows the chair of a debate to interrupt a speaking Member in the case of “defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behavior.” The law does not clarify what qualifies as defamatory, racist or xenophobic.

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DeLorenzo’s Pizza Offers “Trumped Up” Discount

DeLorenzo’s vocal support for the President-elect and L.A. Parker’s contention he keep quiet suggests the Free Speech debate is not at an end. Donald Trump and supporters will continue pushing the limits, and anti-Trump activists will continue pushing back. But as 2016 demonstrated, the voting booth will always be where Free Speech matters most.

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Theodore Roosevelt on Free Speech


Commander of the “Rough Riders” cavalry during the Spanish-American War, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) made a name for himself as a robust outdoorsman, scrappy soldier, clever statesman and American nationalist. He was one of the most outspoken proponents of American interventionism of his time.

Roosevelt believed a country could only progress if men fought and died for ideals they believed in. A product of the bloody 19th and early 20th centuries, Roosevelt’s nationalist ideology fell just short of fascism.

Roosevelt penned his essay “Lincoln and Free Speech” at the conclusion of the First World War, an international conflict sparked by rampant, surging nationalisms across Europe. Just as Abraham Lincoln pressured then-president James Polk to intensify America’s war efforts against Mexico, Roosevelt thought it necessary to pressure any president who spoke of peace during time of war. His essay on presidential skepticism stemmed from his vehement dislike for Woodrow Wilson and his policy of isolationism during WWI.

Teddy Roosevelt’s legacy as a presidential skeptic rides on the coattails of his legacy as a war hero and great American executive.

Is This the Birth of American Censorship?

The Democratic and Republican candidates both claim to be Free Speech crusaders, albeit for different reasons. They must if they want to make a serious run at becoming Commander in Chief. Americans hold their First Amendment dear, but they are increasingly losing sight of what the document means. The next President of the United States will be sure to help them figure it out.

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