Category - Free Speech News

Free Speech Under Threat in South Africa With Introduction of “Protection of State Information Bill”
Raif Badawi Wins the Freedom to Publish Prize
Afghanistan’s Photojournalists Are the Face of the Country’s Revival
“An Obligation to Be Responsible” – Brenda Williams Tackles the Fine Line between Free Speech and Hate Speech in Her Film Against Hate
Magna Carta for the Digital Age
Germany’s Check on Free Speech

Free Speech Under Threat in South Africa With Introduction of “Protection of State Information Bill”

The bill proposed by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party aims to regulate the protection of state information. Were the bill to become law, it would allow any level of government, from federal to state to municipal, to classify any document as secret. It would also create mandatory prison sentences for whistleblowers who release the contents of so-called “secret documents.” The bill was drawn up in response to “increased threats” to South African national security.

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“An Obligation to Be Responsible” – Brenda Williams Tackles the Fine Line between Free Speech and Hate Speech in Her Film Against Hate

As America continues to undergo rapid transformation in its social fabric, a complicated question arises, one that requires bringing the country’s foundation under cross-examination: when does Free Speech become Hate Speech? It is a question few wish to discuss but one that Brenda Williams’ documentary Against Hate felt inclined to answer.

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