Political Satire in Germany: A Win for the Rule of Law, A Loss for Free Speech
Opening the Door to Free Speech in China
“No law except the Putin Law” – Carole Keeney Harrington Discusses Pussy Riot’s Attempt to Bring Free Speech to Russia and the Making of Her Film, Pussy Riot: The Movement
Former Greece Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis Argues for a Reunification of Politics and Economics
Nick Torrens Addresses the Hopes and Dreams of China’s Youth in His Film “China’s 3Dreams”
Rape is a Crime, Even in War
Rights and Responsibilities in Reporting on Terrorism
The Rebirth of Cuban Free Speech
A Chance at Change
Free Speech Under Threat in South Africa With Introduction of “Protection of State Information Bill”

Political Satire in Germany: A Win for the Rule of Law, A Loss for Free Speech

In an attempt at pushing the boundaries of Free Speech in Germany, Böhermann wrote his own satirical poem about the prime minister complete with references to the size of his private parts, his alleged fascination with child pornography, and his actions against the Kurdish minority group of Turkey’s northern border regions. In response, Erdogan called for the prosecution of Böhermann, one of Germany’s most popular comedians.

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Opening the Door to Free Speech in China

Deng Xiaoping’s 1978 Open Door Policy opened China’s markets in the hopes that international trade would produce a level of modernity comparable to that of the West. China’s growth has increased exponentially since its market opening. But with the lessons of the failed USSR, Deng Xiaoping understood that extreme measures must be taken to ensure his Open Door Policy did not open the sequential door to Freedom Speech and the Rule of Law.

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“No law except the Putin Law” – Carole Keeney Harrington Discusses Pussy Riot’s Attempt to Bring Free Speech to Russia and the Making of Her Film, Pussy Riot: The Movement

Under the surface,Moscow’s splendor is overcast with an unforgiving, distant demeanor and a dark past dominated by violence, patriarchy, and oppression. Carole Keeney Harrington, after her experiences writing and producing Pussy Riot: The Movement surmises, ”Russia is full of brilliantly intelligent and breathtakingly beautiful people, but the Russian people simply don’t know how to be free.”

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Former Greece Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis Argues for a Reunification of Politics and Economics

Varoufakis says the separation of the economic from the political sphere is a process that was begun decades ago, and “like a population of predators that are so successful in decimating the prey they must feed on that in the end they starve, similarly the economic sphere has been colonizing and cannibalizing the political sphere to such an extent that it is undermining itself causing economic crisis.”

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Rights and Responsibilities in Reporting on Terrorism

Freedom of speech in the media is one of the most crucial elements in preserving free speech in a society. Once the media is told to play by certain rules, free speech in the society is under threat. Still, one cannot help but wonder what role the media plays in the facilitation of terrorism. There are those who speak of “responsible free speech.” Does the media have a responsibility to ignore the personal details of attackers, or does it have the right to discover and publish that information?

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A Chance at Change

In criticizing Cuba’s long history of repression, Obama took a major risk, one that had the potential to destroy the renewed relationship only hours after setting foot on Cuban soil. Next month President Obama will visit Saudi Arabia where he will have the opportunity to denounce the continued human rights abuses of the House of Saud.

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Free Speech Under Threat in South Africa With Introduction of “Protection of State Information Bill”

The bill proposed by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party aims to regulate the protection of state information. Were the bill to become law, it would allow any level of government, from federal to state to municipal, to classify any document as secret. It would also create mandatory prison sentences for whistleblowers who release the contents of so-called “secret documents.” The bill was drawn up in response to “increased threats” to South African national security.

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