Tortoises, Hares, Wings & Prayers and a Fractured Fairy Tale for Good Measure
Political pundits inside the D.C. Beltway have their panties in bunches over the prospect of Sen. Bernie Sanders becoming the Democrats’ 2020 presidential candidate. Our guest columnist suggests waiting until a fat lady sings.
By Wally Hayman
Does anybody, besides me, remember Bill Clinton?

Sen. Paul Tsongas celebrates winning the 1992 New Hampshire primary.
Clinton lost the first 5 contests (IA,NH, ME, SD, CO), before winning Georgia (the first race staged in his native South). Unfortunately for Bill, what followed that victory were 6 straight losses in ID, MD, MN, UT, WA & AR. He performed even worse in 5 of those 6 losses, never receiving more than 18% of the vote in 5, and not competing at all in Minnesota.
After 12 contests, the soon-to-be-forgotten Tom Harkin had already won 3 races to Clinton’s 1.
But Clinton managed to hold on to his seemingly fading hopes by winning back-to-back victories in South Carolina and Wyoming. He then suffered through two more loses in the diverse states of Nevada and Delaware.

Paul Tsongas campaign button.
By the same date, Paul Tsongas had already won 5 primaries, including New Hampshire, Maryland, Utah, Washington and Arizona – plus a 2nd place finish in South Carolina, thereby showing strength in every quadrant of the country.
So it was no surprise when Tsongas went on to win the nomination and the presidency.
Wally Hayman lives in Philadelphia. He is a retired recording engineer, producer & writer.