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Scott Pelley says there is no democracy without journalism, and the quality of a democracy is dependent on the quality of its journalists.
Read MoreScott Pelley says there is no democracy without journalism, and the quality of a democracy is dependent on the quality of its journalists.
Read MoreA federal judge has ruled the three protesters suing President Trump for inciting violence when he said “get ‘em out of here” will have their case heard.
Read MoreM-103, also known as the “Islamophobia blasphemy law,” is the first and only Canadian law that would treat Islamophobia as a punishable hate crime. Concerned Canadians take issue with the fact that Islamophobia is not clearly defined and, at this point, covers all insults or offenses against Muslims. Under the new motion, being critical of Islam in any way could lead to criminal charges.
Read MoreThe campaigning has put German officials in an odd situation. President Erdogan has drawn harsh criticism after the failed coup in July 2016 for jailing and threatening to jail his most outspoken opponents. A Free Speech denier, his government ironically is using the Free Speech guarantees of Germany to push their agenda. But Germany’s dedication to Free Speech guarantees the right to say whatever you want, wherever you want. Still, German officials are now wondering whether that right extends to those pushing an anti-Free Speech agenda.
Read MoreAll governmental figures are prone to taking criticism. But the fact that Ben-Gurion was the highest governmental figure in the most controversial country on the planet made him also one of the most criticized people of the 20th century.
Read MoreThe legislative arm of the European Union, the European Parliament, has passed a new procedural rule that will censor its own Free Speech. The law allows the chair of a debate to interrupt a speaking Member in the case of “defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behavior.” The law does not clarify what qualifies as defamatory, racist or xenophobic.
Read MoreShady politicians have always plagued American politics.
Read MoreIn an era of extreme partisanship, Americans are yearning for a return to unbiased news. Here are 5 ways you can help make it happen.
Read MoreA complete list of President Trump’s executive actions, presented without bias.
Read MoreJohn Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was an English philosopher, political economist and civil servant often called one of the most influential thinkers of the 19th century. His “Harm Principle” regarded government censorship as superfluous. In societies with Freedom of Speech, wrong or harmful arguments will be excluded by an informed public.
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